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多伦多城市天际线,加拿大 (© Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images)

多伦多城市天际线,加拿大 (© Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images)

红地毯铺开了!(The red carpet is rolled out!)

小心,电影朋友们!今天红地毯变成了49号。多伦多国际电影节(TIFF)在加拿大多伦多举行。今天的照片显示了安大略湖前多伦多优雅的天际线。自1976年成立以来,TIFF已经成为一个真正的人群磁铁。从今天到15岁,我们将迎来新的一年。九月是一个充满魅力和魅力的节日。配套节目包括大卫·戈登·格林(David Gordon Green)的《胡桃夹子》(Nutcracker)、罗恩·霍华德(Ron Howard)的惊悚片《伊甸园》(Eden)和《K-Pops!》等电影,美国说唱歌手安德森的导演处女作。帕克。
Watch out, film friends! Today the red carpet becomes 49. Edition of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in Toronto, Canada, rolled out. Today's picture shows the graceful skyline of Toronto in front of Lake Ontario. Since its foundation 1976, TIFF has become a real crowd magnet. This year awaits us from today to 15. September a festival full of glamour and glamour. The supporting programme includes films such as David Gordon Green's 'Nutcrackers' starring Ben Stiller, 'Eden', an exciting thriller by Ron Howard, and 'K-Pops!', the directorial debut of US rapper Anderson. Paak.
《© Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images》