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古老山毛榉树,格莱纳里夫森林公园,安特里姆郡,北爱尔兰 (© Dawid K Photography/Shutterstock)

古老山毛榉树,格莱纳里夫森林公园,安特里姆郡,北爱尔兰 (© Dawid K Photography/Shutterstock)

这片森林隐藏着什么?(What is hidden in this forest?)

Today, we will head to Northern Ireland, renowned for its green scenery, majestic cliffs, and steep coastline. Our destination is the charming Glennaliff Forest Park located in Antrim County. This park has 1200 hectares of forest, waterfalls, and mysteries yet to be discovered, seemingly extracted from fairy tales. One of its most iconic roads is the waterfall walkway, which is a route that crosses the nature reserve for nearly 5 kilometers.
《© Dawid K Photography/Shutterstock》