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乌雕鸮,巴基斯坦 (© zahoor salmi/Getty Images)

乌雕鸮,巴基斯坦 (© zahoor salmi/Getty Images)

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At dusk, the majestic Koromandeluhus, which can be seen in our picture today, dare to escape their hiding places. These predominantly nocturnal birds of prey, recorded in Pakistan, also populate forests and bushland throughout South and Southeast Asia. An impressive wingspan of 38–43 centimeters, penetrating yellow eyes and exceptional hearing help them pinpoint small mammals and birds in low light. The silent hunters reach a height of up to 60 cm and can also be seen hunting during the day, especially in cloudy skies. They often inhabit abandoned nests of other birds or natural caves. In December and January the Koromandeluhus breed, and usually raise their young safely in tall trees or on rocky outcrops.
《© zahoor salmi/Getty Images》