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日出时的小袋鼠,阿德莱德河,北领地,澳大利亚 (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

日出时的小袋鼠,阿德莱德河,北领地,澳大利亚 (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

轻盈的跳跃(Light-footed hoppers)

Join us for a scenic morning in Australia, where at dawn two attentive wallabies can be seen in the Adelaide River area. These nimble marsupials, close relatives of the kangaroo, are native to Australia and New Guinea. Wallabys, of which there are over 30 species, such as the brush-tail, rock, rabbit, nail-tail and swamp wallabies, eat vegetarian – they nibble on grasses, leaves and fruits. They reach a size of about 30–105 centimeters and can make impressive jumps with their strong hind legs to protect themselves from enemies. In mating season, male wallabies impress with boxing fights to demonstrate their dominance and attract the attention of the females. Wallabys are sociable animals and form small groups, so-called "mobs", which offer them safety and mutual care.
《© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images》