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阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)

阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)

蓝湖,是你吗?(Blue Lake, is that you?)

注意,辣味爱好者!今天,9月11日,期待已久的钻石辣椒节在意大利卡拉布里亚阳光明媚、非常接近的地方开始。还有什么地方比意大利美食及其典型的卡拉布里亚产品,如“Nduja”和“Rosamarina de Amantea”,更能探索辣椒的历史影响?
Attention, spicy enthusiasts! Today, September 11th, the long-awaited Diamond Chili Festival begins in a sunny and very close place in Calabria, Italy. What other place can better explore the historical influence of chili peppers than Italian cuisine and its typical Calabrian products, such as "Nduja" and "Rosamarina de Amantea"?
《© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images》