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Roques de Benet,埃尔斯港自然公园,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙 (© Sergi Boixader/Alamy Stock Photo)

Roques de Benet,埃尔斯港自然公园,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙 (© Sergi Boixader/Alamy Stock Photo)

达到新的高度(Reaching new heights)

In the center of Catalonia, history blends with dreamy scenery, and the magnificent Los Rox de Bennett stands tall. As the millennium guardians of Ellsport Nature Park, these mysterious rock formations conceal secrets from a different past. Ascending up to 1000 meters, they provide a window that offers an impressive view of the Ebro Delta, with winding streams and pine forests inviting visitors to explore its path.
《© Sergi Boixader/Alamy》