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Wahclella Falls,哥伦比亚河峡谷,俄勒冈州,美国 (© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Wahclella Falls,哥伦比亚河峡谷,俄勒冈州,美国 (© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

去游泳!(Go swimming!)

在美国俄勒冈州的峡谷尽头,徒步旅行者们正在等待一件特别的事情:瓦赫克莱拉瀑布。“Mazama登山俱乐部”的成员以哥伦比亚河的一条支流“Tanner Creek”河为食,以一个美洲土著村庄的名字命名。在小路的尽头,游客可以看到壮观的两级瀑布,在下面100多米的游泳池中冲入,非常适合游泳和凉快。在洗澡时,不要忘记关注生活在瀑布中的水鸟。你可以看到他们在小溪边飞翔,偶尔潜入水中。享受自然的真正体验,如果您还不打算穿越水坑,我们建议您游览半岛,在那里您可以进入卡索拉,到达哈恩省博罗萨河的巨大瀑布。
At the end of a canyon in Oregon, USA, hikers are waiting for something special: the Wahclella Falls. The members of the Mazama Mountaineering Club feed on the Tanner Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River, and are named after a Native American village. At the end of the path, visitors can see a spectacular two-level waterfall, rushing into a swimming pool over 100 meters below, perfect for swimming and cooling off. When taking a shower, don't forget to pay attention to the waterfowl living in the waterfall. You can see them flying by the stream, occasionally diving into the water. Enjoying a true experience of nature, if you are not planning to cross a puddle yet, we recommend visiting the peninsula where you can enter Casolla and reach the huge waterfall of the Borossa River in Hahn Province.
《© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion》