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托莱多,西班牙 (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

托莱多,西班牙 (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

一个神奇的城市!(A magical city!)

Toledo is a city located in the Castile La Mancha region of Spain, known for its unique geography. This city is located on a highland, surrounded on three sides by the Tahoe River. This magnificent city was known as the "City of Three Cultures" in the Middle Ages, where Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities coexisted harmoniously. Toledo has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986, with its historic center filled with mosques, synagogues, and an impressive Gothic cathedral. This city has a strong Arab cultural influence, which is its heritage that arrived around the 8th century. In the 16th century, this city received painter El Greco, who left his mark in Toledo, where he created some of his most important works, such as the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which is considered one of his greatest masterpieces. Before the 16th century, Toledo's sword manufacturing industry was known as one of the best sword manufacturing industries in Europe.
《© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images》