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奥林匹克国家公园霍河雨林中的苔藓大厅 ,华盛顿州,美国 (© James Randklev/Getty Images)

奥林匹克国家公园霍河雨林中的苔藓大厅 ,华盛顿州,美国 (© James Randklev/Getty Images)

听说过绿色星期五吗?(Ever heard of Green Friday?)

Imagine spending the day strolling in the woods or in the park enjoying the lush nature instead of shopping and bureaucracy in the city. What do you think of a green alternative to the annual Black Friday? In 2015, Green Friday was launched. Today, people are encouraged to make ethical decisions when shopping. But the most important thing is to enjoy nature, so if you'll allow me to play with words, today we are (of course consciously) consuming nature!
《© James Randklev/Getty Images》