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在伊沙沙区里正在睡觉的狮子,伊丽莎白女王国家公园,乌干达 (© Gunter Nuyts/Getty Images)

在伊沙沙区里正在睡觉的狮子,伊丽莎白女王国家公园,乌干达 (© Gunter Nuyts/Getty Images)

把它放回去!(Put him off!)

Are you tired? You're not the only one. To remind us of the importance of rest, in 1999 William Anthony, a professor at Boston University, and his wife, Camille, created Nap Day. Although it is not an official celebration in Spain, it invites us to take advantage of the benefits of a good nap. And it’s not just a pleasure: Studies confirm that a short nap improves mood, concentration and memory, as well as reducing stress and benefiting heart health. The ideal is to sleep between 20 and 30 minutes, but even a short break can make the difference.
《© Gunter Nuyts/Getty Images》