俯瞰拷索山林国家公园,素叻府,泰国 (© Peetatham Kongkapech/Getty Images)
丛林冒险(An adventure in the jungle)
今天,我们进入了一个真正的自然天堂:泰国南部苏拉特萨尼省的Khao Sok国家公园。这片比亚马逊地区古老的热带雨林于1980年被宣布为国家公园,拥有惊人的野生动物多样性。其居民包括马来西亚塔皮尔、白手长臂猿、高卢人和卡劳人,这使其成为那些希望将城市的噪音转化为丛林声音的人的理想目的地。它的皮划艇路线和路线提供了独特的体验,希望有可能看到以其强烈气味而闻名的巨大而奇特的莱佛士之花。
Today we enter a true natural paradise: Khao Sok National Park, in the province of Surat Thani, in southern Thailand. This rainforest, older than the Amazon, was declared a national park in 1980 and is home to an amazing diversity of wildlife. Its inhabitants include the Malay tapir, the white-handed gibbon, the gaur and the kalao, making it an ideal destination for those who want to change the noise of the city for the sounds of the jungle. Its trails and kayak routes offer a unique experience, and luckily, it is possible to see the giant and peculiar flower of Rafflesia, famous for its intense smell.
《© Peetatham Kongkapech/Getty Images》