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郊狼峡谷拱门中的白杨树,格兰峡谷休闲区,犹他州,美国 (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

郊狼峡谷拱门中的白杨树,格兰峡谷休闲区,犹他州,美国 (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

金色风景(Golden scenery)

你好,冒险家!准备好发现一颗令人印象深刻的天然宝石了吗?今天,我们欢迎你们来到美国犹他州的郊狼峡谷。在这里,杨树的鲜艳色彩与雄伟的岩层相结合,创造了独特的景观。这个地方是Grand Staircase-Escalante国家纪念碑的一部分,是一个真正的户外地质教室,有近761000公顷的土地用于保护、露营和其他娱乐活动。
Hello, adventurer! Are you ready to discover an impressive natural gemstone? Today, we welcome you to Coyote Canyon in Utah, USA. Here, the vibrant colors of poplar trees combined with majestic rock formations create a unique landscape. This place is part of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument and is a true outdoor geological classroom with nearly 761000 hectares of land dedicated to conservation, camping, and other recreational activities.
《© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion》