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埃尔茨城堡,德国 (© Allard Schager/Alamy)

埃尔茨城堡,德国 (© Allard Schager/Alamy)

石头的童话(A fairy tale of stone)

埃尔茨堡位于埃菲尔河谷,风景如画,是德国最重要、保存最完好的城堡之一。从12。在19世纪,它一直由Eltz家族拥有。它的建筑融合了不同的建筑风格,特别是哥特式的里特斯图贝和巴洛克式的普拉特纳斯图贝。一个特别的亮点是财政部,它收藏了德国最重要的中世纪艺术藏品之一,在那里你可以找到珍贵的盔甲、艺术设计的武器以及金匠和银匠。城堡周围的环境非常适合散步和徒步旅行。Eltz Castle Panoramaweg提供城堡和周围自然的壮丽景色。参观这座令人印象深刻的城堡是历史和文化爱好者的必游之地。
Burg Eltz, picturesquely situated in a valley of the Eifel, is one of the most important and best preserved castles in Germany. Since 12. In the 19th century it was continuously owned by the Eltz family. Its architecture combines different architectural styles, particularly the Gothic Ritterstube and the Baroque Plattnerstube. A special highlight is the Treasury, which houses one of the most important collections of medieval art in Germany, where you can find valuable armor, artistically designed weapons as well as goldsmiths and silversmiths. The surroundings of the castle are ideal for walks and hikes. The Eltz Castle Panoramaweg offers breathtaking views of the castle and the surrounding nature. A visit to this impressive castle is a must for history and culture lovers.
《© Allard Schager/Alamy》