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瓦斯科·达·伽马大桥,里斯本,葡萄牙 (© Achim Thomae/Getty Images)

瓦斯科·达·伽马大桥,里斯本,葡萄牙 (© Achim Thomae/Getty Images)

从地平线到水(From the horizon to the water)

Do you know that Lisbon is one of the treasures of European engineering? The Basque da Gama Bridge is a magnificent work that shortens the horizon of Lisbon, spans the Tagus River, and is located in the Dasnasos Park. It is 12.3 kilometers long and is the longest bridge in the European Union. This concrete and steel miracle began construction in February 1995 and has seismic performance. Due to its innovative design, it can resist earthquake motion. This bridge marks the opening of the 98th World Expo, connecting not only the banks of the Tagus River but also the northern and southern regions of Portugal, symbolizing the greatness of uniting the world.
《© Achim Thomae/Getty Images》