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帕侬蓝寺,武里南府,泰国 (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

帕侬蓝寺,武里南府,泰国 (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

通往过去的大门(Doorway to the past)

今天,让我们走进泰国Buriram省的Phanom Rung历史公园。在这里,高棉建筑和历史栩栩如生。这座非凡的遗址建于10世纪至13世纪,是供奉湿婆神的印度教寺庙。它位于一座死火山的边缘,可以看到周围的稻田和远处高耸的柬埔寨东雷克山。
Today, let us step into the Phanom Rung Historical Park in Buriram province, Thailand. Here, Khmer architecture and history come to life. Built between the 10th and 13th centuries, this remarkable site served as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Shiva. It's on the rim of an extinct volcano, offering views of the surrounding paddy fields and the towering Dongrek Mountains of Cambodia in the distance.
《© Banjongseal324/Getty Images》