长岛温泉乐园的过山车,三重县,日本 (© Japanese amateur photographer/Getty Images)
系好安全带!(Fasten Safety Belt!)
准备好飞行了吗?今天,在激动人心的国际过山车日,抓紧,因为我们邀请您在几秒钟内游览几个世纪。始于17世纪的俄罗斯,是一座简陋的木制过山车,19世纪初在法国巴黎首次成为典型的过山车,名为“Les Montagnes RussesàBelleville”,带着令人印象深刻的日本箱根进入了我们的世纪。这座巨大的巨像于2019年改造,是今天形象的主角,现在将传统的木材与现代的钢结构结合在一起,拥有1000多米的旅程,眩晕和扭曲的速度挑战了重力。
Are you ready to fly? Today, on the exciting International Roller Coaster Day, hurry up as we invite you to explore centuries in seconds. Originating in 17th century Russia, it is a rudimentary wooden roller coaster that first became a typical roller coaster in Paris, France in the early 19th century, named 'Les Montagnes Russes à Belleville', bringing the impressive Japanese Hakone into our century. This huge statue was renovated in 2019 and is the protagonist of today's image. It now combines traditional wood with modern steel structures, and has a journey of over 1000 meters, challenging gravity with its dizzying and twisting speed.
《© Japanese amateur photographer/Getty Images》