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摩泽尔河谷的葡萄园,莱茵兰-法尔茨,德国 (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

摩泽尔河谷的葡萄园,莱茵兰-法尔茨,德国 (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

嗜酒天堂(Alcoholic Paradise)

Welcome to Palatine, the dream of any wine enthusiast! Palatine is located in western Germany and is renowned for its picturesque vineyards, undulating hills, fertile land, and warm climate. These favorable conditions allow for the cultivation of various grapes. Although Riesling is the Queen's breed, other famous breeds include Chardonnay, everlasting longing for each other, Pinot Blanc, Muller Turgo and Donfeld. Palatine is the largest red wine producing region in Germany.
《© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images》