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肯杜瓦村的木制渔船,桑给巴尔,坦桑尼亚 (© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy Stock Photo)

肯杜瓦村的木制渔船,桑给巴尔,坦桑尼亚 (© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy Stock Photo)

香料天堂(Spice Paradise)

There are Kendwa people on the Zanzibar Islands in the semi autonomous region of Tanzania, off the coast of East Africa. From a historical perspective, this quiet town played a minor role in the fishing industry on the island, with traditional wooden boats known as DHOWS sailing through the water. The local builders of DHOWS offer a vision of handmade crafts passed down from generation to generation. These crafts are carved by skilled hands using ancient techniques, representing the unwavering spirit of the people.
《© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy》