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河岸上的一只年轻美洲虎,潘塔纳尔,巴西 (© Tambako the Jaguar/Getty Images)

河岸上的一只年轻美洲虎,潘塔纳尔,巴西 (© Tambako the Jaguar/Getty Images)

巧妙的伪装(Clever camouflage)

Spot the wildlife star in today's image; it's the jaguar, the largest cat in the Americas, seen here gracing the Pantanal, Brazil. Jaguars arrived in the Americas some 2 million years ago, migrating from Eurasia through the Bering Strait. Today, they inhabit diverse habitats, from the woodlands of southwestern United States to the rainforests of northern Argentina.
《© Tambako the Jaguar/Getty Images》