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德国中世纪城市罗滕堡 (© kanuman/Getty Images)

德国中世纪城市罗滕堡 (© kanuman/Getty Images)

历史巍峨(Towering with history)

你要找的词是“童话”欢迎来到Rothenburg ob der Tauber,或“陶伯河上的红色堡垒”,这里的每个鹅卵石角落都散发着中世纪的魅力。这座有城墙的巴伐利亚小镇起源于中世纪的自治城市,曾经拥有6000名居民,是当时神圣罗马帝国的第二大城市。Rothenburg ob der Tauber的生长在17世纪放缓,保留了其原始特征。图为城堡大门,建于1356年原罗滕堡城堡被地震摧毁后。
The word you're looking for is 'fairy tale.' Welcome to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, or 'Red Fortress above the Tauber River,' where medieval charm is around every cobbled corner. With origins as a self-ruling city, in the Middle Ages, this walled Bavarian town once flourished with 6,000 inhabitants, making it the Holy Roman Empire's second-largest city at the time. The growth of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, slowed in the 17th century, preserving its original character. Pictured here is Burgtor or the castle gate, which was built after the original Rothenburg Castle was destroyed by an earthquake in 1356.
《© kanuman/Getty Images》