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雷尼尔山国家公园的野花,华盛顿州,美国 (© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images)

雷尼尔山国家公园的野花,华盛顿州,美国 (© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images)

花是大地的微笑(Flowers are the smiles of the earth)

Under the cold gaze of Mount Rainier, a field of wildflowers can be seen. Every summer, the surrounding grasslands are filled with vibrant colors due to the subalpine flowers: purple wisteria, pink coral, and yellow tiger lily. Rainier is the highest mountain peak in the state of Washington, USA, reaching a height of 4000 meters and covered by glaciers and snow.
《© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images》