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海水从古老的珊瑚礁上倾泻而下,杭莱,越南 (© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images)

海水从古老的珊瑚礁上倾泻而下,杭莱,越南 (© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images)

潮汐探戈(Tidal Tango)

欢迎来到恒瑞,这是一个古老的岩层和充满活力的珊瑚礁的混合体。这个洞穴也被称为Rai洞穴,是越南中南部海岸地区Nui Chua国家公园内Vinh Hy湾的一部分。该地区的天然珊瑚礁被岩层包围,相互小心堆积,形成一组洞穴。“Hang Rai”或“Cueva Rai”这个名字的起源之一来自水獭(RAI),它们偶尔会在洞穴中寻找避难所。另一个解释是由于该地区有大量的雨水树,其油被用来防水船只。水下和水面上的风景都给人留下了深刻的印象:深海潜水员的彩色珊瑚,露营和海风爱好者的风景如画的日落。
Welcome to Hengrui, a blend of ancient rock formations and vibrant coral reefs. This cave, also known as Rai Cave, is part of Vinh Hy Bay in the Nui Chua National Park in the central southern coastal region of Vietnam. The natural coral reefs in the area are surrounded by rock layers, carefully stacked together to form a group of caves. One of the origins of the name "Hang Rai" or "Cueva Rai" comes from otters (RAI), who occasionally seek refuge in caves. Another explanation is that there are a large number of rainwater trees in the area, and their oil is used to waterproof ships. The scenery both underwater and above the water leaves a deep impression on people: colorful corals for deep-sea divers, picturesque sunsets for camping and sea breeze enthusiasts.
《© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images》