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小红鹳飞越马加迪湖,肯尼亚 (© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images)

小红鹳飞越马加迪湖,肯尼亚 (© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images)

鸟瞰(Bird's-eye view)

What a magical sight! This aerial photo shows a group of short flamingos at the bottom of Lake Magadi in Kenya. The little flamingo is one of the six species of flamingos, known for its vibrant pink feathers and unique dietary behavior. These birds prefer to eat near the water surface because their beaks are constructed in this way. They mainly live in soda lakes with high carbonate content in Africa. Lake Magadi is a soda lake filled with blue-green algae and algae, providing abundant food for the Flamengo people. Although they are most concentrated in Africa, Pakistan, and India, they can often be seen in Spain. In addition, the thousands of these bird wonders gathered in the lake reveal the importance of these unique ecosystems.
《© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images》