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圣哈辛托大厦的机械钟,博蒙特,美国德克萨斯州 (© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images)

圣哈辛托大厦的机械钟,博蒙特,美国德克萨斯州 (© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images)

更改时间的时间(Time to change the time)

Time is of the essence today: the second Sunday of March marks the start of daylight saving time. At 2 AM this morning, the clocks sprang forward one hour, meaning there will be an extra hour of daylight this evening. While Benjamin Franklin is often credited with inventing daylight saving, the first real proposal for changing the clocks came from New Zealand entomologist George Hudson in 1895, who valued having more daylight so he could collect insects after work.
《© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images》