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比斯第恶土,新墨西哥州,美国 (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

比斯第恶土,新墨西哥州,美国 (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

被时间改变(Changed by time)

时间是改变世界和我们所有人的伟大变革者。例如,美国新墨西哥州的这片荒野,即Bisti/de-Na-Zin Wilderness,曾经是一片郁郁葱葱的热带森林。近7000万年前,这个地方不是曲折而雄伟的针叶地形,而是白垩纪晚期各种恐龙的家园,如装甲龙、鸭嘴隼龙和强大的霸王龙。今天,该地区充满了其他类型的奇迹,岩层看起来更像雕塑而不是自然现象。Bisti/de-Na-Zin的名字来源于纳瓦霍语:Bisti的意思是“在土坯地层中”,de-Na-Zin来自“直立起重机”附近的洞穴雕塑。如果你想去大洋彼岸旅行,你不应该错过这个来自另一个世界的石板和砂岩景观。
Time is a great innovator who changes the world and all of us. For example, this wilderness in New Mexico, USA, known as Bisti/de Na Zn Wilderness, was once a lush tropical forest. Nearly 70 million years ago, this place was not a winding and majestic coniferous terrain, but a home to various dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous period, such as Ankylosaurus, Duckbill Falcon, and powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex. Today, the region is filled with other types of miracles, with rock formations appearing more like sculptures than natural phenomena. The name Bisti/de Na Zn comes from the Navajo language: Bisti means "in adobe formations," and de Na Zn comes from cave sculptures near "upright cranes.". If you want to travel across the ocean, you shouldn't miss out on this slate and sandstone landscape from another world.
《© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion》