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从蒙特维多看到的阿雷纳尔火山,哥斯达黎加 (© Lukas Bischoff/Getty Images)

从蒙特维多看到的阿雷纳尔火山,哥斯达黎加 (© Lukas Bischoff/Getty Images)

睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)

Do you think Spain monopolizes the iconic volcano with its majestic Ted? Oh, no! From the mysterious mist of Monteverde, Costa Rica, another volcanic gem appeared that no one should envy. The cone-shaped Arenal volcano rises to an impressive height of 1500 meters, higher than the surrounding tropical rainforest and the largest Arenal Lake in the country. In 1968, this dormant mountain survived a massive eruption, which threw rocks over 800 meters away. The last significant volcanic activity occurred in 2010, and this peak, which was once illuminated by lava, is currently inactive. The Arenal Volcano National Park has over 500 species of birds and is an essential tourist destination for birdwatchers. The park also houses various flora and fauna, such as deer, mountain lions, cute monkeys, orchids, spiral flowers, and ferns. The beach stands tall and beautiful on tropical trees.
《© Lukas Bischoff/Getty Images》