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莫迪卡,西西里岛,意大利 (© Sandro Bisaro/Getty Images)

莫迪卡,西西里岛,意大利 (© Sandro Bisaro/Getty Images)

西西里岛的一小块(A small piece of Sicily)

When we think of Italy, iconic cities such as Milan, Rome, and Venice usually attract everyone's attention. However, on the island of Sicily, there is a less famous gem: Modica. This is a city that rose from the ruins of the 1693 earthquake and has become a paradise for Baroque style architecture. This city, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, has a population of less than 60000 and has cobblestone alleys. From prehistoric tribes to ancient Greeks and Romans, to medieval Arabs and Normans, it has strong footprints echoing.
《© Sandro Bisaro/Getty Images》