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德国草地上的蝴蝶 (© Albert Fertl/Getty Images)

德国草地上的蝴蝶 (© Albert Fertl/Getty Images)

像蝴蝶一样漂浮(Float like a butterfly)

Lenz is already at the door, the first spring scents penetrate our lungs and let us breathe a sigh of relief. A blooming meadow where butterflies dance in the warm sunlight is the perfect picture for the coming spring. Each butterfly is a masterpiece of nature with unique patterns and bright colors. The meadow pulsates with life as the butterflies flutter around and fill the air with a touch of elegance. It is a true spectacle that enlivens our senses and makes our soul fly. Take a look at these fantastic animals. They embody lightness and transformation, two aspects that we should take to heart. Stop for a moment and contemplate the grace of butterflies, which remind us to appreciate the little wonders of life and see the world with new eyes.
《© Albert Fertl/Getty Images》