丹顶鹤向伴侣鞠躬,北海道,日本 (© Steve Bloom Images/Alamy Stock Photo)
最好在一起(It's best to be together)
With the arrival of Valentine's Day, love is in the air. This festival is often associated with various romantic symbols, such as Cupid, Romeo, and Juliet, who were famous lovers who fell in love with William Shakespeare. Symbols of love can also be found in nature, such as the red crowned crane seen today in the reed swamps and cold lakes of Hokkaido Island, Japan. These elegant birds dance charming mating dances to strengthen their lifelong connections, symbolizing good luck, longevity, and loyalty in Japanese culture. These gentle creatures even inspired traditional paper crafts, such as folding paper cranes; According to legend, folding a thousand cranes can make a wish.
《© Steve Bloom Images/Alamy》