上巴尔城堡,阿尔萨斯,法国 (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)
你知道“阿尔萨斯之眼”吗?(Did you know the "Eye of Alsace"?)
上巴尔城堡是一座中世纪的堡垒,位于阿尔萨斯北部,海拔450米。它建于1170年,经过几个世纪的重大改造和修复。它的建造是由斯特拉斯堡主教发起的,目的是监督佐恩山谷和阿尔萨斯平原,为它赢得了“阿尔萨斯之眼”的绰号在晴朗的日子里,可以瞥见斯特拉斯堡大教堂的尖顶。 这座城堡建在三块岩石上,由一座被称为“魔鬼桥”的桥连接。传说它的建造归功于魔鬼,因为其他人不可能建造如此坚固的桥梁。
Haut-Barr Castle is a medieval fortress that looms at an altitude of 450 metres, in northern Alsace. Built in 1170, it underwent significant transformations and restorations over the centuries. Its construction was initiated by the bishops of Strasbourg with the purpose of overseeing the Zorn Valley and the Alsace plain, earning it the evocative nickname 'the eye of Alsace.' On a clear day, it is possible to catch a glimpse of the spire of Strasbourg Cathedral. The castle, constructed on three rocks, is connected by a bridge, known as the 'Devil's Bridge'. Legend has it that its construction is attributed to the devil as it would have been impossible for anyone else to build such a sturdy bridge.
《© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images》