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南唐斯国家公园的绵羊,东萨塞克斯郡,英国 (© Slawek Staszczuk/Alamy)

南唐斯国家公园的绵羊,东萨塞克斯郡,英国 (© Slawek Staszczuk/Alamy)

英格兰南唐斯国家公园(South Downs National Park, England)

这些标志性的连绵起伏的绿色山丘是南唐斯(South Downs)上丰富多彩的风景线的一部分,这些白垩丘陵横跨英格兰东南部的沿海县。几个世纪以来,放牧的绵羊帮助保持了草坪的矮小,创造了欧洲最丰富的野生动物栖息地之一。野花和不同种类的蝴蝶在它的白垩草地上茁壮成长,但这些天,这片罕见的栖息地只覆盖了约4%的唐斯,在二战期间,当大部分土地被用来种植作物时,这种下降速度加快了。保护它和恢复唐斯的需要是2010年创建南唐斯国家公园的部分原因,这是英国最新的国家公园。
These iconic rolling green hills are part of a rich tapestry of landscapes on the South Downs, chalk hills which stretch across the coastal counties of south-east England. For centuries, grazing sheep have helped keep the turf short, creating one of the richest wildlife habitats in Europe. Wildflowers and different species of butterflies thrive on its chalk grassland, but these days this rare habitat covers only about 4% of the Downs, a decline that accelerated during World War II when much of it was ploughed to grow crops. The need to protect it, and to restore the Downs, was part of the reason the South Downs National Park was created in 2010 - the UK’s newest national park.
《© Slawek Staszczuk/Alamy》