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巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开湾,西班牙 (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开湾,西班牙 (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

龙尾游向大海(Dragon tails trail to the sea)

这些龙尾巴状的结构延伸至西班牙北部巴斯克海岸的比斯开湾,是地球上最独特、最引人注目的地质构造之一。对于地质学家和喜欢看冰凉岩石的人来说,这是一个仙境。巴斯克海岸地质公园(Basque Coast Geopark)在导游的带领下,游客可以发现6000万年不间断的地质历史。
These dragon tail-like structures that stretch into the Bay of Biscay on the Basque Coast of northern Spain are part of one of the most unique and remarkable geological formations on the planet. It’s a wonderland for geologists, and for people who just like looking at cool rocks. Guided tours of the Basque Coast Geopark allow visitors to discover 60 million years of uninterrupted geological history.
《© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo》