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伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园,英国萨福克郡 (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)

伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园,英国萨福克郡 (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)

惊人的对称性(Stunning symmetry)

伯里圣埃德蒙修道院花园是一个充满活力的公园,这并不是因为它们有14英亩的彩色展览和华丽的花坛,而是因为它们随着时代的变化而变化,同时仍在嫉妒地守护着自己的历史。该遗址位于英格兰东部的萨福克郡,最初是中世纪一座强大的本笃会修道院的所在地——事实上,2022年是这座历史悠久的修道院的1000周年纪念日。你仍然可以参观修道院遗址,并惊叹于14世纪的大门和诺曼塔,它们历久弥新。1831年,纳撒尼尔·霍德森(Nathaniel Hodson)以布鲁塞尔皇家植物园(Royal botanic Gardens)及其同心圆为灵感,将修道院最初的花园设计为植物园。
Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds comprise a living, vibrant park, and just not because of their 14 acres of colourful displays and ornate flowerbeds — they have changed with the times, all while still jealously guarding their history. The site here in the county of Suffolk, in eastern England, was originally home to a powerful Benedictine Abbey in medieval times — in fact, 2022 marks the 1000th anniversary of the storied abbey. You can still visit the abbey ruins and marvel at the 14th-century Great Gate and Norman Tower, which have survived through the ages. Nathaniel Hodson took the original Abbey Gardens and designed them as a botanic garden in 1831, using the Royal Botanic Gardens in Brussels, with its concentric circles, as his inspiration.
《© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency》