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Rice terraces of Mù Cang Chải, Yên Bái province, Vietnam

Rice terraces of Mù Cang Chải, Yên Bái province, Vietnam (© Kiatanan Sugsompian/Getty Images)

Rice terraces of Mù Cang Chải, Yên Bái province, Vietnam (© Kiatanan Sugsompian/Getty Images)

Rice terraces of Mù Cang Chải, Yên Bái province, Vietnam

Amidst the rolling hills of Vietnam's Yên Bái province, the rice terraces of Mù Cang Chải district are a mosaic of agricultural excellence. The Hmong people, an ethnic minority known for their rich culture and vibrant attire, have meticulously carved these cascading hills for generations. The Hmong migrated to northern Vietnam in the 19th century from China. They were skilled in shifting cultivation—an agricultural system in which lands are cultivated temporarily and then returned to their natural vegetation—of crops including millets, rice, corn, and barley.
Mù Cang Chải boasts approximately 5,500 acres of terraced rice fields indicating harvest time. Visitors to the area can also indulge in Vietnamese dishes and colorful souvenirs at the local markets, or climb to the peak of La Pan Tan village to enjoy the captivating topography of the district.
© Kiatanan Sugsompian/Getty Images