圣路易斯拱门, 密苏里州, 美国
圣路易斯拱门, 密苏里州, 美国 (© f11photo/Getty Images)
弯曲到完美(Curved to perfection)
欢迎来到密苏里州圣路易斯的Gateway Arch国家公园!这里是令人印象深刻的门廊拱门,这是一座192米高的不锈钢杰作,象征着美国的历史和文化。这座地标由建筑师Eero Saarinen设计,于1965年完工。该公园不仅拥有壮丽的景色,而且还是一个博物馆,讲述了圣路易斯令人兴奋的历史以及密西西比河对该地区发展的重要性。游客可以乘坐特殊电梯到达拱门顶部,欣赏壮丽的景色。
Welcome to Gateway Arch National Park in St. Louis, Missouri! Here stands the impressive Gateway Arch, a 192-meter-high stainless steel masterpiece that symbolizes the history and culture of the United States. Architect Eero Saarinen designed this landmark, which was completed in 1965. Not only does the park offer fantastic views, it is also a museum that tells the exciting history of St. Louis and the importance of the Mississippi River to the development of the region. Visitors can take a special lift to the top of the arch and enjoy breathtaking views.
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