透过海湾拱门看到双拱门,拱门国家公园,犹他州,美国 (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)
拱门下(Under the arch)
Imagine a red horizon and a bright blue sky. That's how Arches National Park in Utah welcomes you! This unique landscape began 65 million years ago when an ancient dry seabed occupied the current location of these incredible arches. Over time, the forces of nature have shaped sandstone, forming incredible structures. There are also many of them! There are over 2000 natural stone arches, making it the largest concentration area in the world. In today's image, we can see two of them: Double Arches (Double Arches), framed by Arches (Kara Arches). The largest arch of the Double Arches is impressive, with a range of 43.9 meters and a rise of 34.1 meters in the air. In 1929, this natural treasure was protected as a national monument, and on days like today, it officially became a national park in 1971.
《© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures》