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索拉诺,托斯卡纳,意大利 (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)

索拉诺,托斯卡纳,意大利 (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)

托斯卡纳的石头小镇(The stone town of Tuscany)

索拉诺是一个宁静的中世纪村庄,坐落在意大利托斯卡纳南部格罗塞托省的悬崖上。走过古老的鹅卵石街道,人们可以探索Fortezza Orsini,这是一座可以追溯到11世纪的堡垒博物馆。游客在堡垒内每走一步,都会接触到几个世纪以来关于权力和防御的故事。在Poggio San Rocco和Poggio Croce山附近有一个墓地,这是一个大型的古代墓地,保存完好的伊特鲁里亚陵墓暗示了该地区的悠久历史。
The Sorano is a serene medieval village perched atop a cliff in the Italian province of Grosseto, southern Tuscany. Walking through the age-old cobblestone streets, one can explore the Fortezza Orsini, a fortress-turned-museum that dates to the 11th century. Visitors engage with centuries-old tales of power and defence with each step they take inside the fort. Near Poggio San Rocco and Poggio Croce hills lies a necropolis—a large, ancient burial site—with well-preserved Etruscan tombs that hint at the area's long history.
《© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo》