鸟头湾的鲸鲨,西巴布亚,印度尼西亚 (© Andy Lerner/Tandem Stills + Motion)
向陛下鞠躬(Bow to Your Majesty)
August 30th is a crucial date for our planet: today we celebrate whale sharks. The first specimen was discovered near South Africa in 1820, which is a survivor from over 240 million years ago. In our Spanish waters, although they are not common, Your Majesty is a global demand. The world's largest fish, the whale shark, can grow up to 12 meters, setting a record of nearly 19 meters. These organisms migrate through the warm climate on Earth, capturing plankton and small fish with their huge mouths. Every trace on his skin is as unique as a human fingerprint. Unfortunately, they are listed as endangered species.
《© Andy Lerner/Tandem Stills + Motion》