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大提顿国家公园日出,怀俄明州,美国 (© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

大提顿国家公园日出,怀俄明州,美国 (© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

鹿和羚羊玩耍的地方(Where the deer and the antelope play)

今天照片中那种令人惊叹的美丽是人们不断回到怀俄明州和美国大提顿国家公园的原因之一。大提顿国家公园被早期的法国捕猎者命名为“les trois tétons”,于1929年由包括小约翰·D·洛克菲勒在内的环保主义者创建。该公园是一个几乎未受影响的动植物生态系统的所在地,如灰熊、狼、野牛、驼鹿和秃鹰。
Mind-blowing beauty like the kind pictured in today's image is one reason people keep coming back to Wyoming and the Grand Teton National Park in the United States. Named 'les trois tétons' by early French trappers, the Grand Teton National Park was created in 1929 by conservationists including John D Rockefeller Jr. The park is home to is a virtually untouched ecosystem of plants and animals, such as grizzly bears, wolves, bison, moose and bald eagles.
《© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion》