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女王花园群岛的镰形真鲨,古巴 (© Christian Vizl/Tandem Stills + Motion)

女王花园群岛的镰形真鲨,古巴 (© Christian Vizl/Tandem Stills + Motion)

鲨鱼意识日(Shark Awareness Day)

Are you ready to dive? Today, we explore the ocean to celebrate Shark Awareness Day. These majestic predators have been wandering in the Seven Seas for thousands of years. The first batch of sharks appeared about 439 million years ago, 200 million years earlier than dinosaurs. There are over 500 species today, unfortunately, one-third of them are on the brink of extinction. For many years, sharks have been known for their danger and have been hunted for their skin, fins, and meat, but this perception is changing. Many organizations around the world are working to raise awareness of the important role of sharks and the necessity of protecting them.
《© Christian Vizl/Tandem Stills + Motion》