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大峡谷国家公园,亚利桑那州,美国 (© Jeremy Janus/Getty Images)

大峡谷国家公园,亚利桑那州,美国 (© Jeremy Janus/Getty Images)

深刻的象征意义(Profound symbolic significance)

Happy birthday to Grand Canyon National Park! Today, the famous Arizona Canyon carved from the Colorado River in the United States marks a milestone: 105 years have passed since President Woodrow Wilson signed the name of the national park in 1919. The origin of the Grand Canyon can be traced back to 5 to 6 million years ago. It is a special landscape composed of rivers, winds, and landslides. There are stories of Native Americans, European and American pioneers, and travelers in the canyon, as well as geological wonders such as steep valleys and colorful rock formations.
《© Jeremy Janus/Getty Images》