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罗瓦涅米的圣诞老人公园,拉普兰德,芬兰 (© lukutin77/Getty Images)

罗瓦涅米的圣诞老人公园,拉普兰德,芬兰 (© lukutin77/Getty Images)

圣诞老人花园(Santa Claus Garden)

In the snow of Lapland, Rovaniemi is a charming winter paradise, considered the official hometown of Santa Claus. This vibrant city in northern Finland is not only a gateway to the Arctic Circle, but also a destination for the perfect fusion of reality and folklore. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful Northern Lights, explore Arctic nature, and experience the magic of Christmas at Santa Claus Park. This photo appears in today's photo. The park offers a variety of activities, such as elf studios, where skilled craftsmen create eternal treasures, and fun train trips in the park. Rovaniemi is also the capital of Lapland and one of Finland's most popular tourist destinations. Do you dare to visit this magical town?
《© lukutin77/Getty Images》