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传统钓鱼小屋,斯沃尔韦尔,罗弗敦群岛,挪威 (© Roberto Moiola/Sysaworld/Getty Images)

传统钓鱼小屋,斯沃尔韦尔,罗弗敦群岛,挪威 (© Roberto Moiola/Sysaworld/Getty Images)

小屋里的生活(Life in the cabin)

The Lofton Islands in Norway are located in the Arctic Circle, at the crossroads of traditional life and modern industry. Svovar is one of the two cities in Lofoten and has a long history as a fishing village. Before becoming a city, it was part of V å gan town, where people lived for over 1000 years. In addition to fishing, it is also a refuge for travelers seeking quiet vacations, attracting up to 200000 visitors each year. The traditional Rob houses are built on pillars on the water surface, adding a unique charm to the city. These cabins were built for travelers and fishermen and have now been renovated to suit contemporary tastes. Undoubtedly, at this moment, this is a charming place.
《© Roberto Moiola/Sysaworld/Getty Images》