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斯诺登尼亚国家公园, 威尔士

林帕达恩湖,斯诺登尼亚国家公园, 威尔士 (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

林帕达恩湖,斯诺登尼亚国家公园, 威尔士 (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

威尔士斯诺登尼亚Llyn Padarn湖(Llyn Padarn lake, Snowdonia, Wales)

从波光粼粼的林、登山、瀑布到破败的城堡,斯诺登尼亚从未停止过惊叹。图为Llyn Padarn,位于迷人的Llanberis村附近。这个冰川湖长约3.2公里,深约29米,是威尔士最大的天然湖泊之一。这个冰碛堰塞湖的例子被指定为具有特殊科学价值的地点和洗澡水。无论你是皮划艇、桨板爱好者,还是只是想把脚趾浸入水中,它都会支持你。此外,它的海岸上点缀着板岩采石场的遗迹,让人得以一窥该地区的工业历史。当你在那里的时候,别忘了探索附近的多尔巴丹城堡,这是一块历史悠久的宝石,为你的旅程增添了一层额外的古老气息。
From sparkling llyns, mountain hikes, cascading waterfalls to ruined castles, Snowdonia never ceases to amaze. Pictured here is Llyn Padarn, near the charming village of Llanberis. At about 3.2 kilometres in length and 29 metres in depth, this glacial lake is one of the largest natural lakes in Wales. This example of a moraine-dammed lake has been designated as both a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a bathing water. Whether you're an enthusiast of kayaking, paddleboarding or simply want to immerse your toes in the water, it has your back. In addition, its shores are dotted with remnants of slate quarries, providing a glimpse into the region's industrial past. While you're there, don't forget to explore the nearby Dolbadarn Castle, a historic gem that adds an extra layer of antiquity to your journey.
《© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images》