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什未林湖上的什未林城堡,梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州,德国 (© Hannes Wendt/Shutterstock)

什未林湖上的什未林城堡,梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州,德国 (© Hannes Wendt/Shutterstock)

德国施韦林湖畔的施韦林城堡(Schwerin Castle on Lake Schwerin, Germany)

施韦林城堡坐落在德国施韦林湖的一座岛屿上,看起来就像童话故事中的漂浮豪宅。但你知道吗,早在公元941年,湖上就有堡垒的痕迹?前一座建筑由西斯拉夫Obodrite部落建造,他们居住在今天的梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚和波兰,特别是波罗的海南岸。后来,在16世纪,约翰·阿尔布雷希特一世公爵将其扩建为一座宏伟的文艺复兴时期住宅。最后,在19世纪,城堡被重建成了我们今天看到的样子。建筑师Georg Adolf Demmler以浪漫的新哥特式风格重新设计了这座建筑。几个世纪以来,这座城堡一直是梅克伦堡-施韦林大公的住所,后来成为艺术和文化中心,拥有令人印象深刻的艺术收藏。今天,你可以参观梅克伦堡州立博物馆,从里面欣赏这座宏伟的城堡。
The Schwerin Castle, standing on an island in Lake Schwerin in Germany, looks like a floating mansion from a fairy tale. But did you know that there were traces of a fortress on the lake as early as 941 CE? The former structure was built by the West Slavic Obodrite tribe, who inhabited what is today's Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Poland, particularly on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea. Later, in the 16th century, Duke Johann Albrecht I expanded it into a magnificent Renaissance residence. Finally, in the 19th century, the castle was rebuilt into what we see today. The architect Georg Adolf Demmler redesigned the building in the romantic neo-Gothic style. For centuries, the castle was the residence of the Grand Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and then became a center for art and culture with an impressive art collection. Today, you can visit the Mecklenburg State Museum and admire this magnificent castle from the inside.
《© Hannes Wendt/Shutterstock》