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盛开的野蒜,海尼希国家公园,德国 (© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images)

盛开的野蒜,海尼希国家公园,德国 (© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images)

见过大蒜开花吗?(Ever seen garlic bloom?)

These pristine, white blooms are wild garlic plants, probably not what comes to mind when you think of flowers. You can get a closer look if you visit the Hainich National Park in Thuringia, Germany. This national park was founded in 1997 to protect its ancient beech forest, which is full of lush deciduous trees. Wild garlic, a zesty messenger of spring, blooms in early spring in temperate climates around the world. The plant is native to Asia, but it’s widely grown and enjoyed in Germany—so much so that many cities organise festivals to celebrate the aromatic fields. In fact, Eberbach, Germany is a trademarked wild garlic capital. The town hosts a month-long wild garlic fair every spring.
《© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images》