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夜晚的爱丁堡城市天际线,苏格兰 (© Suranga Weeratuna/Alamy)

夜晚的爱丁堡城市天际线,苏格兰 (© Suranga Weeratuna/Alamy)

节日热(Festival fever)

这是举世闻名的爱丁堡城堡,它在守卫苏格兰首都的同时,灯火通明。今天,城堡里有皇家爱丁堡军事纹身,这是一次充满苏格兰风情的经历,风笛、鼓和方格呢短裙似乎足以覆盖整个苏格兰。热情的游客还可以在皇家大道(Royal Mile)上的众多招待所之一尽情享受威士忌和哈吉斯酒。皇家大道是一条色彩斑斓、熙熙攘攘的历史街区,从城堡一直延伸到伊丽莎白女王二世在苏格兰的官邸霍利罗德豪斯宫(Palace of Holyroodhouse)。
Here’s the world-famous Edinburgh Castle, lit up in all its glory as it keeps watch over Scotland’s capital city. Today the castle hosts the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, a full-on Scottish experience, with bagpipes, drums, and seemingly enough kilts to cover all of Scotland. Enthusiastic visitors can also indulge in whisky and haggis in one of the many hostelries on the Royal Mile, the colourful, bustling historic street that wends its way from the castle down to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Queen Elizabeth II’s official residence in Scotland.
《© Suranga Weeratuna/Alamy》