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Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany

Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany (© Bildagentur-online/Exss/Alamy)

Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany (© Bildagentur-online/Exss/Alamy)

Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany

Königstein Fortress, one of the largest mountain fortresses in Europe, rises high in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains of Saxon Switzerland. The 'Burgrave Gebhard vom Stein' is first mentioned in a document of King Wenceslas I of Bohemia in 1233, presumably referring to Königstein. At that time the area belonged to the Kingdom of Bohemia. In the 16th century, the castle underwent significant expansion to become a Saxon state fortress, with the start of construction of the imposing 152.5 meter deep castle well between 1566 and 1569 being an important milestone. It is still one of the deepest historic wells in Germany. The arrival of the first state prisoner, Dr Martin Mirus, marked the beginning of an important chapter in the history of the fortress.
During the Dresden May Uprising, Königstein once again offered refuge to the Saxon royal family, and after the uprising was crushed, the arrested revolutionaries were brought to the fortress's state prison. During the First and Second World Wars, the fortress also served as a large prisoner of war camp. Until 1955 it was used as a youth work center for the rehabilitation of young offenders, before being opened as a museum and attracting many visitors. In the winter months, Königstein Fortress is transformed into a fairytale winter wonderland, with frost turning the old walls into glistening works of art. No wonder this natural gem inspired Caspar David Friedrich to paint his 'Wanderer above the Sea of Fog'.
© Bildagentur-online/Exss/Alamy