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Wildflowers in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Wildflowers in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images)

Wildflowers in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images)

Mount Rainier National Park

Under the glacial gaze of Mount Rainier, a carpet of wildflowers bursts into life. Every summer, the meadows around this mountain are colored with vivid shades of blooming subalpine flowers: purple asters, pink coralroot, and yellow tiger lilies are just some of the plants on show here. Also known as Tahoma, at over 14,400 feet, Mount Rainier is the tallest mountain in the state of Washington. It is covered by 36 square miles of glaciers and permanent snowfields, making it the mountain with the highest glacier cover in the lower 48 states.
Mount Rainier National Park is a 236,000-acre area that encompasses mountains, waterfalls, meadows, and old-growth forests. As well as a range of flora, the park teems with life, from cougars and beavers to bald eagles and peregrine falcons. Mount Rainier National Park is a popular climbing destination, with some 10,000 people attempting to scale the mountain every year. Visitors can also enjoy hiking along a variety of trails. It's never sunnier in Rainier than in July and August, making it the perfect time to visit.
© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images