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Chausey islands off the coast of Normandy, France

Chausey islands off the coast of Normandy, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)

Chausey islands off the coast of Normandy, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)

Chausey islands, France

The Chausey Islands are a Norman archipelago north of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, where the waves caress the granite. A dream archipelago, where the playful sea reveals a labyrinth of islets and sandbanks at low tide. La Grande Île, the pearl of this group, awakens in the first rays of sunshine, bathed in a soft light that warms its stone houses. Fishermen prepare their boats, while seagulls orchestrate the sunrise.
Every rock, every wave, every grain of sand seems imbued with stories, legends, sailors and buried treasures. Visitors in search of tranquillity wander the paths, discovering secret beaches and crystal-clear waters, inviting contemplation. The Chausey Islands are a natural spectacle, where the tide, in an incessant ballet, redraws the contours of the land, offering a new face to this jewel of the English Channel every moment. A place where time stands still, and the soul finds an echo to its thirst for the infinite.
© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images